Monday, January 16, 2012

Short-and-to-the-point book review #4 - Bringing it to the Table

This year I have challenged myself to read 60 books on a variety of subject matter--fiction, non-fiction, philosophy, theology, environmental issues, pop culture, literature, etc. For each book I plan on posting a short-and-to-the-point review (1-2 paragraphs max), a recommendation and a grade. Hope you enjoy!
To see my progress or check my other reviews click the page link above entitled, "2012 Book Challenge"
2009, Counterpoint
Bringing it to the Table: On Farming and Food by Wendell Berry
As a word of caution, this review cannot possibly be nonpartisan due to my unapologetic philosophical love for Wendell Berry. I've never read an essay of his that I didn't find worth pondering and often they deeply influence my own understanding of the world and our role therein. So, this book has essays along those lines. They are good, thoughtful, even prescient. In short, it's another collection of Wendell Berry essays.

But herein lies the problem. If you've never read Berry before pick up this book, or pick up another book--any collection of essays really. But if you've read Berry then you can probably skim over parts that are familiar. Berry's charm and brilliance is that he can take a complicated subject like agrarianism and make it so imminently understandable that reading more seems unnecessary. So even I found myself skimming from time to time. The nuggets of wisdom are there, and this book changes nothing of my admiration for the author, but it was more of the same. So, in short, read Berry if you never have. In fact, let me know and I'll buy you a book. I think it's that important. But if you know Berry well, then maybe you can pass.


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