Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Memorial Day Reflection on Enemies

I’ve read Romans 5 maybe a hundred times in my life. It’s on the short list of the most central passages to Christian theology. This will be the fifth time I’ve preached on it. But, like so many things, there’s more there the more I have read it. This was the first time I even noticed one word. It’s the first time I considered the word, “enemies.”
            “For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more surely, having been reconciled, will we be saved by his life,” says Paul in Romans 5:10.
            I doubt we think very often about our relationship with God as one of enmity. Even when we are perfectly fine describing ourselves as sinner, I don’t think we consider ourselves enemies to God. I suspect most of us feel like we are, at worst, neutral parties, not enemies! And, yet, if there is no neutrality, and none of us can choose God’s side, if we are only ever able to choose our own side, then I suppose we are enemies. So, I started to think about that a little bit.
            I suspect that one of the other reasons it stuck with me is because there is a lot of talk in the world about who are our enemies. It’s worth thinking about probably more than we do. The longer I thought about it, the tougher it became to tease out an answer. On first blush, there’s the answer I want to give—that I feel like I’m supposed to give: Nobody. We’re supposed to love everybody, and, yet, even Jesus says to pray for our enemies—not “Do not have enemies!” but rather pray for them, because apparently you will have them. As citizens of the United States of America, especially on this Memorial Day weekend, we have other allegiances settled for us. By virtue of our national identity, some people are supposed to be our friends and others our enemies. We didn’t choose this; it simply is.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Jesus for debtors

“I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish,” says Paul.
            This is a really incredible thing to say, actually, but I’ll get to that in a minute. First, we need a one-minute reminder about Paul. This is the guy who was killing Christians in the name of the hard-and-fast temple law of the day, and this is the guy who was blinded on the road to Emmaus, became a follower of Jesus, and then wrote a good portion of the New Testament. All of this we need to know when Paul says he is indebted to Greeks and barbarians, the wise and the foolish, because it takes an awareness of his history to get there.
I suspect all of us are OK with saying we are indebted to teachers, to parents, to coaches, to people we like, who inspire us, and who make us look good. We like to tell that story. But how often do we stand up and say we are indebted to people we don’t like? Indebted to sinners? Indebted to non-believers, and criminals, and people who have wronged us? Those people? That’s a much tougher story.
            If we hear that story at all, it’s usually in the context of somebody saying, “I owe it to my haters, because they pushed me to be better.” But what Paul is saying in Romans 1 is more radical than that. He’s saying he owes the foolish; he owes those who are wrong; he owes everybody. Paul starts here in his letter to the church in Rome to make it abundantly clear what sin looks like—it is not just bad choices, which Paul certainly made in the past, but, more importantly, it is an indelible part of our character, and all of us are debtors because of it.
            In the alternative version of the Lord’s Prayer most often said in Presbyterian and Reformed churches, there is that line “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Lutherans tend to use trespasses, while others use “sins.” In some ways, all of these are trying to describe something we often fail to understand. Our debt, trespasses, and sin are not just things we do but a condition in which we live, which is precisely why we need forgiveness so desperately. We can’t simply refrain from doing bad—it is part and parcel of who we are.
            So, we are debtors—debtors to people we like and don’t like. This gets particularly messy when we talk about abuse, because surely we cannot owe people who have committed abuse against us. Practically speaking, victims don’t owe perpetrators anything, so let’s be clear about that, but underneath it all is a reality where each of us are bound to one another, and the fabric of the universe was once and forever broken by sin so that abusers exist and those abused face the Sauls of the world without any recourse. There should be no abusers; there should be no people abused, but there are: Paul was an abuser—an abuser of the early Christians. He knows what he owes; he knows he can’t repay the debt caused by murder. What could repayment possibly look like? No reparations are enough.
            The story of Saul’s conversion, becoming Paul, is not one of a bad dude becoming a hero. He’s still a guy who did bad things. The only difference is that after his conversion he knows it, and he’s trying to pick up the pieces of a broken life, seeking forgiveness, and finally understanding the place from which forgiveness and, with it, true power comes.

The Gospel
            The conversion does not make Paul righteous by his own effort. Instead, it made him a preacher. He became one of the first to write down things about this God we know in Jesus Christ. When Paul wrote Romans, none of the Gospels we know today yet existed. Mark was still a decade away, Matthew and Luke thereafter, and John long after that. That’s not immediately obvious reading your Bible, but when Paul wrote this letter, the words of Jesus were part of an oral tradition passed on around campfires or in house churches, or perhaps they were part of earlier texts now lost to us. This matters, because when we think of Saul prior to conversion, I think we tend to imagine a guy who had all the information and chose not to believe in Jesus. Yet, in many ways, this letter to Rome had no scriptural precedent. Paul didn’t have Jesus’ words; he wasn’t writing an accompaniment to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
What he had was an experience, and it was that experience that put everything in stark relief. This is a tough one for those of us in the Lutheran church, which was founded largely on this idea of sola scriptura—scripture alone—and in the day of Martin Luther this made sense, raging against the popes who made up their own laws apart from scripture. But nowadays, it feels as if Christians worship the Bible sometimes more than they do Jesus. Like so many things, the Bible—being one of the next most important things—is easy to mistake for the most important thing.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

American Idols

Why would we worship this God whom we cannot see when we can worship this person, place, or thing that we can see right in front of us? This temptation is real. It’s lived out in today’s reading when the people in Antioch saw Paul and Barnabus doing miraculous things. Surely, they must be gods, they said. We don’t really know what they represent, but we do know them! We should worship them!
            We could laugh at this, but this temptation is not just real; it is universal. It’s really easy for us to trust in the thing we see in front of us—the person who is doing things we like, things that might even seem miraculous. We search out these folks as our own personal spiritual gurus. We look for that person who embodies what we hope for, and we follow.
            Of course, we do this with celebrities. And it’s easy to criticize other peoples’ celebrities, right? Man, look at all those dummies following Kim Kardashian, we might think. That’s a ridiculous person to idolize. OK, but you’re telling me you don’t follow after somebody different? You’re telling me you don’t trust somebody else in the same kind of way?
            This is all harmless, we may imagine, except there’s one giant problem with raising up human beings: They will fail you. Every one of them. They aren’t worthy of your worship. None of them. Last summer, this phenomena hit the mainstream with the announcement that Justin Bieber got engaged. If you don’t know who Justin Bieber is, good for you. For most of us I suspect this wasn’t news we cared about, but for teen-turned-20-something girls who grew up idolizing him, this was earth-shattering. Every generation has their idols and Bieber was the pinnacle for young millennials, and upon news of his engagement more than one of these teens-turned-young-adult women openly criticized his fiancĂ©e as unworthy because she didn’t worship Bieber the way they did.
            As a person who does some pre-marital counseling, this one was obvious: I hope she didn’t. I hope she hardly knew him growing up. I hope she didn’t invest herself in the idyllic image that is never reality. Can you imagine a worse bedrock for a relationship? Because it’s built on a lie. You should not worship your spouse, because your spouse is not God. You should not worship your children, because your children are not God. And you certainly should not worship Justin Bieber, because—I don’t know a lot of things, but I know this—God, he is not.
            And this might sound obvious and low-hanging fruit when talking about idolatry, but I think we all have our Justin Biebers. When we are deciding how to order our lives and what things matter more to us than others, we inevitably lift certain people onto the altar of things we worship. Think about it: Who is the person who shapes your beliefs most in the world? Someone you know, perhaps, but what about somebody you don’t know—not personally? Somebody whose books you’ve read. Somebody you’ve seen on TV.