Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election coverage from Frank

Let me sum up the elections for those of you who haven't seen a newspaper (or know what a newspaper is).  This election we decided that what we need is change, so we voted in the Rebumblicans.  This is opposed to the previous election where we wanted change and voted in the Dumbocrats.  I continued being a good citizen and throwing away my vote for a party that will never hold office unless it comes in the form of a WWF wrestler who is certifiably crazy, though just as effective in office as anybody else.

Let me hazard a guess as to what will happen in the next election:  we will want change and vote D.  Then in the next election we'll want change and vote R.  I love politics.  It's like having the choice between pizza and steak every night.  If you have pizza on Monday, then you probably want to have steak on Tuesday, then when Wednesday comes along you think, "Man, I had steak yesterday, better be pizza!"  Then Thursday comes with the thought, "It's been two days since I've had steak!"  And so on and so on, ad infinitum.  Meanwhile, mac and cheese is sitting in the cupboard, feeling ignored.

All of this is ok... as long as you don't have any tea with dinner.

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