Monday, July 25, 2011

On bikers

I had a bad morning. My car was in for repairs, so I was biking to work--which isn't really unusual--and besides it was beautiful outside so I wasn't complaining. At least I wasn't until 5 miles in to the 17 mile ride when I flatted my rear tire near Cedar Lake. Flatting is no fun, but it isn't that unusual. I flat on average once every 100-200 miles. I got off and put a patch on. No problem.

A mile later, flat again. This time I try to adjust the patch, but it keeps flatting. I put another tube on, also flat. I realize, finally, that the tire has been ruptured and no number of new tubes will fix the problem. I end up getting picked up by my mom and missing work since I didn't have a vehicle to even show up late.

All in all, a pretty sad start to the day, but there was one thing that did make me cheery. I couldn't even count the number of bikers and pedestrians who asked if I needed help. At first I didn't, then I needed another tube and a rider gave me one (and wouldn't accept any money in return). Then, when it became apparent that I had a bigger problem, a man asked if I needed a cell phone or even a ride. I had a cell phone and was getting a ride, but it was a great gesture. I was prepared for a flat, but even if I wouldn't have been people were there to help. Random people. Maybe 20, maybe 30 people.

As it turns out it was the tire. $60 later all is well. I missed a half-day of work, but there are worse things in the world. Thanks to all the cyclists and peds who offered to help.

Can you imagine 20-30 cars stopping to help a flat tire?

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