I love the Israelites. They invented
the “good old days.” Remember how great it was back in Egypt? Didn’t
we tell you we wanted to stay in Egypt? We told you this would never
work, Moses. We have always stayed in
We tried to leave Egypt
before and it didn’t work; it never works. Please allow us to go back to Egypt… please,
pretty please?
Has anybody ever heard anything like this?
were slaves. They were in slavery in Egypt—there’s
no way to spin it otherwise. Never minimize our ability to delude ourselves
into thinking that the past was better than it was. Remember the good old days?
Yeah, sure, we were worried about getting drafted into the war, and the family
farm was barely making enough food to feed us (let alone anybody else), but it
was a simpler time then—a better time. The church was filled with kids—never
mind that they were only there because there was literally nothing else to do
and their parents would do things to them if they didn’t go that today would be
illegal. People weren’t more faithful back in the day—they were more bored and they
were more scared; and maybe not all of that was so bad, but better? Was it
really better?
Many of you
remember those days because you lived through them. Today we are afraid of
terrorism… then we were afraid of communism. Today we are afraid of dwindling
numbers of people… then we were afraid that we couldn’t support the people that
we had. Today we are afraid that our church no longer matters in our culture…
then we were afraid that our church had too much stake in our culture. Every
age has its advantages and disadvantages, but certain times—like the Israelites
on their way out of Egypt—we
delude ourselves into thinking something that clearly isn’t true. Egpyt was never the “good old days.”