Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Christmas Giving Philosophy

I love to give.  I don't so much love to give for Christmas.  I think it has something to do with being a natural contrarian.  I like to keep the majority in check.  So, each year comes this annual festival of giving and it's the time of year when I feel least like presenting somebody close with something of worth.  Part of the appeal of a gift is in its surprise.  I love surprising people.

After some consideration I came up with the following procedure for Christmas giving:  Don't give much, but mean what you give.  That's part one.  I don't go out and buy expensive stuff at Christmas.  A) I don't have money (but that's somewhat a lie... I have make-believe loan money that will actually pay for things), but more importantly B) I don't feel it's warranted.  My natural counter-cultural-ness says that I should be giving a real gift this season--not just something expected by people close to me.  What I should really be giving is myself.

This involves a very simple philosophy for me:  Total the money I give in buying presents and give half of that amount away completely to organizations and people I do not know.  The funny thing is that I feel better about that gift than I do about the gifts I give to friends/family every time.  Never fails.

I don't give much.  I'm not ashamed about that.  Giving is a sea-change in how we live, not a once-a-year happening.  So, if you don't get me anything don't worry; I'd rather you give it away anyway.

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